Sunday, October 24, 2010

such a cloudy day

sorry for the "always" late post
i've been soo busy with college stuff
and internet connection issue at home
i want to update my blog
but then, i have no connection at all
i was lazy to go to the internet cafe
and whenever i go to a hotspot area, i forgot to bring my laptop
soo,again i failed to update it

here are some outift i tried at home
i mix and match my mom's silk blazer
its really comfortable
my mom forgot to bring it with her when she came back to Jeddah last time

danar hadi mom's batik blazer, skirt from korea, Gadis tanktop, ethnic necklace, night markets in solo bangles, DIY brooch ring, a ribbon polka stethocope clogs 


Lucia said...

kalo aku telat update blog gr2 dah males kalo harus foto2 outfit hehehe kadang gak da waktu buat foto, trus langsung cabut aja pergi :)
